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What they say about us:

We are proud of our product! It really does an excellent job, but criticism is as important to us as positive feedback. Constant work with your feedback helps us shape the best offer on the market.


Приятно что прислушиваетесь к нашим пожеланиям. Даже работая дистанционно, все объясняете доступно и понятно для нас особо не сведущих в дизайне ничего. Спасибо большое за вашу работу. Всех благ и процветания

Екатерина (Дизайнер)

Получила первый заказ через VR NEXT уже через 3 дня после регистрации. Очень довольна! Минус один балл чтобы не расслаблялись))

Жанна (дизайнер)

Я только закончила курсы по дизайну интерьеров и у меня нет контактов тех, кто продает мебель. Попробовала вашу платформу, смогла легко заказать мебель через платформу!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the subscription?

VR next is a cloud platform that allows you to easily and quickly create 3D and VR interiors and decorate them with goods from a DIY store. The subscription provides access to an online or offline editor, product catalogs, and a cloud visualization service. The subscription allows you to save your projects in the cloud and access them via a link through any device.

How is the demo version different from the free one?

Once you register an account, you get access to the demo version, which provides access to all the functional capabilities of VR next for 5 days. Including the tile layout module, high-quality rendering, and access to the 3D project via a link. After the trial period expires, the demo version automatically becomes free, with all the ensuing limitations.

What is a 3D converter?

The basic catalog of 3D models of furniture and plumbing contains hundreds of items and is constantly updated, however, if you are professionally engaged in the sale of furniture or plumbing, you may need to add your own unique models. The 3D converter allows you to do this and works with all common formats.

What textures can be added and customized?

The basic catalog contains textures of wallpapers, paints, tiles from hundreds of real manufacturers and is constantly updated. However, there may be a need to add your own unique textures. You can do this in jpeg format, and also set their name, dimensions, cost, etc.

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